Winter is just around the corner. The AA said it received over 10,000 calls on the first real day of UK cold weather, so now is the time to book a service and check all is in order for the cold dark months ahead. Essential checks include tyres, battery and charging system, climate control to keep cabins warm and dry with glass demisted, lighting and windscreen wiper systems and weather seals and hood drains on roadster and cabriolet models.
This smart 996 Turbo S Cabriolet seen here was already wearing its factory hardtop when it visited JZM Porsche for a pre-winter service. Danny went through our service checklist (now managed on tablet devices) and found very little to worry about on this excellent example.
Long term storage does more harm than good, so it is always great to see people using their Porsches on a regular basis. That said, daily familiarity with a car makes it easy to miss simple defects that can cause unnecessary upset when the weather turns bad. Contact us today to discuss a pre-winter inspection on your Porsche.